23 01, 2017

Still Not Doing Anything? Chances Are Your Competitors Are

So, you’re considering making the move, and you know your competitors may already be ahead of you; but did you know 74% of companies are already evaluating Unified Communications (UC) in the cloud? Additionally, 51% of companies plan to increase their cloud spending. It’s not just any cloud phone system that you need – you [...]

16 01, 2017

The High Cost of Not Doing Anything About Your Phone System

When was the last time you upgraded your phone system? 7 years ago? 10 years ago? Or was it so long ago you’re not quite sure?  Your aging phone system may be costing more than you think. Not only do you have higher resource costs, higher maintenance costs, infrastructure costs – you also have outdated [...]

10 01, 2017

2 Ways to Protect Investments While Leveraging Cloud

You’ve spent years building a rock solid, reliable, and secure communications framework. Your business environment today demands you continue to be smart about your IT investments, delivering the latest technologies within budget. A challenge you may be facing is how to maximize your current phone system while addressing demands for expansion and requests for additional features. [...]

15 11, 2016

Adjusting IT Focus: How Cloud Can Get IT Back in the Board Room

Many IT directors spend their days fielding various requests from the business staff their teams support: That marketing rep who accidentally deleted a whole series of important files and wants to know if they can be retrieved immediately That operations guy who is constantly streaming the latest viral videos, chewing up large amounts of bandwidth [...]

30 10, 2016

How to Overcome 4 Common Communications Challenges with Cloud

Businesses today face many challenges, from continuous technology changes to the disconnect that can happen between your business and your clientele because of those technological advancements. Consumers today expect a lot. Because of the internet, and the ability to access it from almost anywhere, consumers do their research. They expect answers and they expect them [...]

11 10, 2016

Unified Communications Changes the Nature of Work

In the 21st century, work is no longer a place you go, but a thing you do.  That’s the nature of the changing workplace.  And your phone system needs to work with you – in multiple locations, with a mobile and growing staff, and a customer that demands high-quality communications.  You do more.  Your phone [...]

28 07, 2016

The Power of Mobility

It seems like different types of communication have lived in their own separate little worlds for ages, but as technology advances the lines between them are starting to blur and even disappear. One of the most notable changes is the merging of business communications and mobility networks—giving rise to something called a Mobile Enterprise. Here, [...]

14 12, 2015

Demystifying the Top 3 Concerns about Cloud Phone Solutions

There are many reasons organizations are turning to cloud technology. It’s flexible, scalable, offers cost savings and has the mobile features to meet your business and employee demands. But what about your phone system? You may be considering updating your phone system to the cloud, but have concerns about security, control and risk. The reality [...]

12 09, 2015

How Unified Communications Can Save You Money And Boost Productivity

In business, if your company is not communicating effectively between departments and amongst individual employees, it can mean the difference between prosperity and collapse. For your organization to be as efficient as it should be, you should be implementing unified communications, because it is the best way to keep everyone in touch internally, as well as [...]